With the right partners, ideas are turned into real innovations that drive companies forward.
Small, specialized craft businesses and robotics simply don’t go together? Fraunhofer IWU has been proving that this thesis is not true in its research projects for many years.
While a robot takes over ergonomically unfavorable or time-consuming tasks, craftsmen concentrate on their creative activities. In this way, a robot becomes a journeyman who supports his master at all times – even without the master’s presence.
How exactly does this work? By not offering standard solutions, but by taking up and implementing the special requirements of the skilled trades. For example, by:
- tailor-made solutions that make automation in the skilled trades possible
- the right partners, so that automation is cost-efficiently affordable even for the smallest businesses
- integration into the smallest workshop by developing and implementing individual concepts adapted systems that still allow a quick switch to purely manual processes.