
Robotics in Crafts, our current progress and achieved project milestones as well as events and fairs where you can meet the robotics experts and partners from the LEROSH project.

Connect with LEROSH on social media, for reports live from the workshop!





New associated partner of LEROSH

As an associated partner, the leading manufacturer of power tools is supporting our project with know-how and technology for the future of the craft sector. Founded in 1925, the company impresses with perfectly designed tools that help professional craftsmen achieve better results faster. 350 patents and more than 80 awards for products and companies testify to the company’s innovative strength, from which LEROSH will now also benefit by joining FESTOOL as an associated partner.

Welcome on board!

Festool Homepage

LEROSH at the Hannover Messe 2024

Future Manufacturing ?

Only 1% of the industrial robots installed worldwide in recent years have been used for material processing such as grinding, polishing, etc. (Source: World Robotics 2023 / IFR )
Why is that? Insufficient tools? Lack of data or robot capabilities? Weak user interfaces?

LEROSH is researching solutions to these problems and will be demonstrating two ways of processing more complex geometries on two different robot systems (KUKA and Universal Robots ) at the Hannover Messe.

Five jam-packed days with good discussions, during which it became clear once again: LEROSH has big potential!

In his presentation, Előd Páll will give you an insight into the current state of research.

Blick auf den Messestand des Forschungsprojekt LEROSH. Vorne in der Mitte ein Cobot links davon eine Gruppe von Menschen. Direkt hinter dem Cobot erklärt Vincent Wall den Versuchsaufbau

Local Robot Day

On 19.09.2023 the Local Robot Day of the Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science took place.

Our research team passed the stress test! On Local Robot Day at the Werner von Siemens Centre, we demonstrated how quickly our test lab can be dismantled and set up. In addition to exciting insights behind the scenes at LEROSH, there were also tried-and-tested examples of robots already helping tradespeople at work.
In his keynote speech at #RobotiXperience, Adrian Sieler from TU Berlin showed the tension between visions of the future and the reality of robotics research.
Gunnar Bloss from werk5 presented the status quo of the project and Bastian König from Interactive Scape presented the live demo.

We look forward to the next opportunities for dialogue!

Segmentation and path planning for robot-assisted surface processing of complex component geometries

Our project partners from the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (DLR Robotics and Mechatronics website) have published a first IEEE paper on robot grinding.

Congratulations Stefan Schneyer, Arne Sachtler, Thomas Eiband and Korbinian Nottensteiner!

Brief description

With the method presented, the surfaces of complex component geometries are automatically analysed and segmented according to the type of machinability with a grinding tool. In the second step, a robotic arm moves along automatically generated machining paths at the appropriate angle to the tool.

This allows users to machine complex parts with the robot without any programming effort. Due to the great variability in the contact guidance of tool and component, small areas and cavities can be reached even with relatively large tools.

Links to the full paper

Using robotics and artificial intelligence to create the ideal tool for the skilled trades - Interview with Gunnar Bloss

Automation and craftsmanship can complement each other perfectly

“CNC technology has already taken us a long way, but we can do even more with robotics and artificial intelligence,” says Gunnar Bloss, Managing Director of werk5 | new craft from Berlin.
The modelling company has so far been involved in two research and development projects on robotics and AI. The head of the craft company is contributing the expertise gained from these projects to the “Learning Systems” network. The platform, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supervised by acatech – the German Academy of Science and Engineering, brings together around 200 experts from science, business, politics and civil society who are involved in AI.

“Our long-term goal is adaptive systems that can be trained by the user for their own purpose.” The ultimate aim is not to develop an “expensive super-specialised device” for use in laboratory conditions, but a solution for practical use that is easy to handle and increases productivity. “If this robotic arm has anything like the sensitivity of the hand movements learnt by a human, then it would be an ideal tool for the skilled trades.”

Especially as there is an increasing shortage of helping hands in the skilled trades. For Gunnar Bloss, robots are therefore also a helpful tool for overcoming the shortage of skilled labour.

Author: Bernd Lorenz

Read the full article in the Handwerksblatt!
Modellbauer bei der Arbeit in der Maschinenhalle. Im Vordergrund steht ein Roboterarm, daneben ein Bischofshut aus PU-Blockmaterial, den der Mitarbeiter durch den Roboter aus dem Material fräsen lässt.

LEROSH on the road II. From Chemnitz to Markneukirchen. November 2022

In November, the LEROSH developers travelled on to the halls of the Fraunhofer IWU in Chemnitz and to the music town of Markneukirchen to gain an insight into the craftsmanship of Stefan Kreul’s cello maker.
In addition to working with large, impressive industrial robots, the Fraunhofer IWU focuses on the development of customised automation solutions for the skilled trades, which for LEROSH means sanding. The expertise that a robot needs to learn and master comes from the craft itself – knowledge that has been passed down through generations in some cases. Stefan Kreul and his employees opened their workshop and introduced us to the art of making musical instruments – and showed us the largest playable violin!

LEROSH on the road. From Bremervörde to Rehna. November 2022

The LEROSH project partners visited Strehl GmbH & Co. KG to follow the manufacturing process of a pediatric orthosis step by step. In addition to exciting insights into the handicraft production, the challenge and the necessity of being able to offer the small patients an individually adapted solution became apparent. There was a lively exchange about the optimal use of robots to support this important work and the people behind it.
The second day of the tour took the project partners to the carpentry firm Eigenstetter GmbH, which excels in handcrafted one-offs and restoration work – and at the same time relies on the support of the robot giant KUKA KR 500.

Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel im Handwerksblatt!
Gruppenbild des Teams LEROSH

Offizieller Projektstart: 01.08.2022

3 Jahre interdisziplinäre Forschung zur Robotik im Handwerk

Zum Startschuss unseres gemeinsamen Verbundprojekts, gefördert durch das BMBF im Rahmen des Programms „Handwerk 4.0: digital und innovativ“, trafen sich alle 9 Partner*innen aus verschiedenen Gewerken des Handwerks sowie der Forschung in Berlin und entwickelten unter der Leitung von Diana Bennewitz eine gemeinsame Vision für die Zusammenarbeit und gemeinsame Kommunikation der nächsten drei Projektjahre.

Vielen Dank an alle Partner*innen für diesen inspirierenden und motivierenden Start in drei aufregende Jahre der Zusammenarbeit!

Mit besonderem Dank an Martina Göttel und Diana Bennewitz

LEROSH – Einfach mit Robotern arbeiten!

Der Fachkräftemangel wird immer spürbarer

Statista (23.11.2021)