Form catalog, analog

What terms and images do we use to describe particular forms?
Can a robot – similar to a child – learn to sensory explore and distinguish the different form proper types?
Eight, banana, band, basin, mountain, bump, bend, pear, arch, braid, hunk, hump, bracket, bosom, roof, dam, lid, dent, diamond, doughnut, dune, level, corner, egg, bay, compartment, bevel, rim, ridge, joint, fork, corridor, dormer, miter, thread, summit, globe, ditch, ridge, border, belt, neck, hook, hammer, undercut, spar, horn, hubble, hill, Hull, tile, ridge, cannelure, edge, cap, wedge, notch, kettle, chain, lobe, node, cone, collar, wreath, crater, scrape, brim, crystal, crown, runner, crest, Curve, lamella, lance, batten, ledge, lens, pilaster, hole, curl, spoon, blowhole, mast, hollow, nut, hub, needle, seam, nest, net, rivet, nipple, nub, groove, ornament, oval, Pile, Pan, Pipe, Arrow, Pillar, Plow, Post, Pick, Pilaster, Slab, Plateau, Pedestal, Bollard, Puck, Wheel, Frame, Ramp, Edge, Grid, Shelf, Rail, Bolt, Groove, Gutter, Rib, Crack, Pipe, Roll, Round, Column, Hem, Serpetine, Shaft, Redoubt, Slice, Shard, Snake, Loop, Slit, Slice, String, Barrier, bowl, swell, swell, sinew, sector, scythe, crescent, base, sole, column, spoke, spindle, spiral, point, sliver, spoiler, spring, stem, step, waist, valley, bag, cup, terrace, beam, funnel, barrel, grape, eave, tower, rampart, wall, wave, winding, vault, cloud, worm, root, spigot, fence, pinnacle, prong, point
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